General BMI

B – Body

M – Mass

I – Index

Diet Dharmaa BMI

B – Balance

M- Mindfullness

I – Inner Peace

Diet dharma is not just about following a set of rules or dietary restrictions. It is a way of cultivating a deeper connection with food, recognizing its sacredness. It Involves eating in a Balanced way with Mindfullness & Inner peace, using it as a tool for overall growth and well-being.

 Little Naughty

 Little Nice

Diet Dharmaa is all About


The food we eat can be categorized into three types:

1. Sattvic foods

2.Thamasic foods

3.Rajasic foods

At Diet Dharma, we don’t reject any type of food. Instead, we teach you how to balance these foods in a way that supports your health and helps address any issues you may be facing. It’s about finding the right mix—a little naughty, a little nice. Life is all about enjoying a variety of flavors in harmony.


Mindful eating means eating consiously …
We eat very unconsciously, automatically, robotlike. If the taste is not lived, you are just stuffing. Go slow, and be aware of the taste. Do not just go on swallowing things. Taste them unhurriedly and become the taste. When you feel sweetness, become that sweetness. And then it can be felt all over the body – not just in the mouth, not just on the tongue, it can be felt all over the body spreading in ripples

Inner Peace

The food we eat affects not only our physical health but also our mental well-being. What many don’t realize is that our mental state—like stress or inner peace—can also impact how our body processes the food we consume. This important connection is often ignored, but it’s crucial for our overall health, and sadly, most people miss it.When we feel at peace, our body functions more efficiently, and we’re better equipped to handle stress. Here are some key ways inner peace benefits our health:

  • Inner peace helps reduce the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body.
  • When we’re calm and at peace, our immune system functions better
  • Stress can interfere with digestion, but a peaceful mind promotes better digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Inner peace is closely linked to good sleep
  • Inner peace helps regulate hormones like cortisol and adrenaline

In short, finding and nurturing inner peace is an essential ingredient in maintaining a balanced, healthy life. It’s not just about feeling good in the moment—it’s about supporting your body and mind for the long term

Diet Dharmaa will help you achieve your health goal & It is not just healing one health issue its your overall well being