General BMI
B – Body
M – Mass
I – Index
Diet Dharmaa BMI
B – Balance
M- Mindfullness
I – Inner Peace
Diet dharma is not just about following a set of rules or dietary restrictions. It is a way of cultivating a deeper connection with food, recognizing its sacredness. It Involves eating in a Balanced way with Mindfullness & Inner peace, using it as a tool for overall growth and well-being.

Little Naughty
Little Nice
Diet Dharmaa is all About
Mindful eating means eating consiously …
We eat very unconsciously, automatically, robotlike. If the taste is not lived, you are just stuffing. Go slow, and be aware of the taste. Do not just go on swallowing things. Taste them unhurriedly and become the taste. When you feel sweetness, become that sweetness. And then it can be felt all over the body – not just in the mouth, not just on the tongue, it can be felt all over the body spreading in ripples
Inner Peace
Diet Dharmaa will help you achieve your health goal & It is not just healing one health issue its your overall well being